Signature Search Services | ||||||||||
Executive Search Services You are here: Signature Search Services Client List Consultants Johnston and Company offers a unique brand of Signature Search Services to assure client satisfaction and the successful placement of an individual who is well suited to the philosophies and mission of an organization. Executive Search [email] |
you are here: home / executive search / signature search Our Five Principles of Signature Search include: 1. Understanding an organization's business as if it were our business. 2. Integrating, designing and aligning the search process with an organizations practices and policies. 3. Matching the culture and chemistry between the client, the company and the candidates. 4. Helping an organization hire for where they are going, not where they are. 5. Fine-tuning the search process to manage whatever emerges that will result in the organization finding the best people, in the shortest time, with the smallest cost. The Search Process We are so successful because we proactively manage the search process while following professional search process guidelines that are proven to work, time after time. The Steps we use include: 1. Situation Analysis. The foundation of a successful search assignment begins with a thorough understanding of our client's needs and expectations. We work with our clients to learn about their business, culture, and strategy to glean the experience and personal characteristics needed for successful results. We work with our client to develop a realistic timetable and search process that suits the unique needs of the organization and individual's involved in the candidate selection process. 2. Recruitment Profile. Following an assessment of the environment and needs, we prepare a written position profile that details the responsibilities of the position and the qualifications of the ideal candidates. This position profile will be widely circulated and used to communicate useful information about the organization, the position, the characteristics of the position and the knowledge, experience, skills and abilities of the desired candidate. 3. Research and Candidate Development. After working closely with the client to target agencies, organizations and potential candidates, we develop original research, research our internal databases to identify prospective candidates, conduct outreach activities and advertise and/or promote the position in appropriate arenas as needed. 4. Interviews and Assessments. We personally interview qualified candidates to assess t heir suitability for the positions. 5. Presentation of Candidates and Communication. Those candidates deemed most qualified are presented in confidential written reports. The reports provide a thorough review of a candidate's previous career history and an assessment of their strengths relative to the requirements of the position. Candidate Briefs are prepared by the candidates in response to specific position-related questions and weekly status reports are provided to keep clients up to date with the search activities. 6. Candidate Interviews. We will arrange meetings between candidates and the client, including travel arrangements. We assist with the interview process, provide interview materials and questions and facilitate the selection process. 7. Referencing and Background Checks. After selection of final candidates for consideration, we will conduct in-depth interviews with professional and personal references and/or conduct background checks to obtain additional information regarding their qualifications. 8. Negotiation. Upon selection of a candidate, we can assist with the development of an employment offer. 9. Acculturation. Once the search engagement concludes, our involvement continues. We well stay in contact to ensure the successful integration of the new professional into the management team. We continue to advise and interact with the company or organization for a reasonable period of time after placement in order to ensure the successful acculturation of the new professional. A "Candidate Checkup" is conducted three to six months after a candidate begins and a similar "Client Consultation" follows three months later. Client satisfaction and a successful long-term outcome are the ultimate goal of each Johnston and Company search |