strategic connections for growth
Executive Search Growth Management Partnership & Alliances Economic Development
The connections you need
…to find talented people
…to manage growth

The connections you need
…to strengthen capacity
…for growth and financial

The connections you need, with partnerships and alliances in an array of interrelated fields.
The connections you need compete using technology
...for partnership approaches in a changing economy.


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"The mantra for success at all times and particularly during uncertain times, is to think radically...act rationally!" -Max
Click here to Ask Max a question
Q: I have never had to look for a job. I have worked as a C.P. A. all my life but I am now gray-haired, 63 years old and need to find a new job. My question is, should I dye my hair?

Max: Since you are asking the question, I sense you think it might help you send the message to prospective employers that you are full of "gray-matter" not just gray hair! [more...]

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